I love leafy greens. Kale, chard, spinach, they're all fantastic. And today has been full of them. I had chard for breakfast and now I'm having quinoa and spinach for lunch.
I listened to Episode 101 of the Vegan Freak Podcast today and they highly recommended eating a varied diet. Now, this is what I usually do anyway, but it can never hurt to get a little reminder. Varying the vegetables I eat and not always relying on tofu for protein are great tips to keep in mind, not just to make sure I'm getting a healthy variety of nutrients, but to keep from getting bored as well. Lucky for me I never find veggies, grains, and legumes boring. How could I when there are such infinite combinations?
Greens do it for me too. I LOVE them all and my body loves me when I feed it greens!
I'm still trying to get myself more into greens. I really like spinach and am slowly starting to get into Kale and Chard.
greens are the best. I just bought 2.5 lbs of collards. ok, that's 2 mega bunches.
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