Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Unfluffy starts here

I've made a decision: I'm going to lose weight and I'm going to do it without starving myself or purging, which are my two go-to strategies. I've never really had a healthy relationship with dieting given my history with eating disorders, so this is going to be a challenge. But if I'm ever going to be successful, I'm going to have to do this the healthy way.

I started this afternoon with a small step: having lettuce wraps with hummus and black beans instead of a sandwich with just hummus. Everyone loves carbs, but I'm going to do what I can to limit my intake of them, especially those of the white bread, white pasta, white rice variety. That also, of course, includes beer. I know that if I'm going to actually get this healthy eating thing right, I can't tell myself that anything is off-limits; if I do that, it makes the temptation to have what's forbidden oh so strong, and that leads to binges. Instead, I'm going to try to introduce something into my eating life that I haven't had a very successful history with: moderation.

Wish me luck!

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